Some useful books, web sites and files to extend your knowledge and understanding of the magic of the concertina.

Workshop Handouts

The Concertina Convergence at the National Folk Festival in 2015  saw concertina and accordion guru Malcolm Clapp present two workshops to the assembled aficionados.
The notes from these presentations are available here as pdf downloads.

Books In Preparation

Concertina Repair and Maintenance Guide by George Bolliger. Whenever you see him please prompt him to finish it so we can see it published.

The Concertina Magazine is being assembled by Ralph Pride. This treasure was edited and published by a team spearheaded by Richard Evans. It ran through 25 issues from 1982 to 1988 and was chockers with articles about Concertinas - from repair and maintenance to history to playing techniques and music. It is being scanned to pdf but as the print was not clear enough it can't be ocr processed and searchable. It will be indexed to assist locating articles.